The Ocean Rx Blog


    Meditation: A Rock Star's Guide To Professional Success

    Posted by Genna Lepore

    Find me on:

    Sep 29, 2014 9:59:00 AM

    The majority of our population is working in an office, slaving away 9-5, 9-9, or even sometimes 24/7. And with all the demands on your time, from work, to kids, to friends, to pets, to parents and trying to squeeze a Surfset Fitness workout in every now and again, life can get .... INTENSE.

    The majority of us brush off the blood, sweat and tears because of the promise of an end reward. Whether it be for wealth, notoriety, power or helping others, we bust our butts to be successful. But why agonize over unnecessary stress if you can't wind down long enjoy to it? 

    Reasons Sales Professionals Need to Meditate

    In order to reap the fruits of my labor, I need to continually remind myself of the long-term benefits of a balanced lifestyle. Below I've created a list of three common objections to meditation and simple meditative techniques to combat stress.

    • I DON'T HAVE TIME:  I am by no means suggesting you morph into a modern day Dali Lama and practice yogic breathing sunrise until sunset. No American working professional's schedule will permit that. However, can you imagine taking 20, 10, or even a mere 5 minutes a day to sit and give your brain a breather? If you were told there was scientific evidence supporting the value to your productivity, brain and overall health, would you do it?

      Arianna Huffington, CEO of Huffington Post, believes it is important to sleep your way to the top. No, no not what you’re thinking! Huffington preaches how C-level executives can thrive from rest and mediation; clearing the clutter that consumes you. Maybe that’s why new-age businesses have adopted “nap rooms” throughout their organizations. Hubspot’s CEO, Brian Halligan, is fond of the idea of nap rooms so much so that he instituted a handful in his Cambridge office. Halligan believes there is great value in taking a fraction of your day to reset and recharge. One may be surprised how much easier it is to think when you have allowed your mind a moment of reprieve.

    • I CAN'T CONCENTRATE: Have you given thought to how we struggle to concentrate? Could it be because we are a culture that feels physically uncomfortable without our phone within arms length ... at all times? A culture who is so addicted to communicating through social channels and reading emails that we check our smart phones a staggering average 110 times per day

      I have mental, digital and hand-written to-do lists because my brain doesn't naturally have an off switch. Even after I doze off at night, my wheels keep turning. However, after learning to meditate, I’ve seen a shift in my habits of concentration. There are days when I can only get seconds of noise out of my head before another thought slips in. But being able to turn off our thoughts is a euphoric feeling that can be equated to the after effects of an hour long massage. You simply feel rejuvenated.

      Rod Stryker, founder of Parayoga, has created a series of guided meditations to help those of us that just can’t get seem to get in the zone. He has an intate ability to catch you in the middle of his recordings at moments when you start to drift and allow thoughts back in your head. He reels you back into concetration through pranayama -- the yoga arm of breathing. This is not a skill learned overnight. It takes time and practice. But it’s residual benefits will pay off.

    • I DON'T KNOW HOW:  When I first thought of meditation, I thought "normal" people can’t meditate. That’s something that yogis, Church parishioners and Buddhist monks do. Not me. Not a business professional. The thought of sitting with my legs crossed, eyes closed chanting OM, created more anxiety than bliss. The reality is that mediation can come in many forms. You don’t have to be a yogi to meditate. You just need to find a meditative method that’s right for you. Below are a list of a simple meditation techniques that could help you define a meditation practice that works with your lifestyle. One rule of thumb, be sure and leave your phone behind...

      • At Work:

        • Take a 10 minute walk by yourself

        • Book a conference room in advance:

          • Take a 15 minute "power nap"

          • Sit, close your eyes and breathe

          • Stare at the wall in silence -- jot down what comes to mind (any to-do lists that have to do with work or life is a no no)

        • No conference rooms available:

          • Sit in your car, throw your sunglasses on and choose one of the options above

      • Commuting:

        • If you’re driving, turn the radio off and drive in silence for 10 minutes

        • If you’re on the train, download a guided mediation and just listen (try something other than music for once)

        • If you’re walking to work, again, download a guided mediation and listen

      • At Work (or Home) With Nowhere to Escape:

        • Pop in your headphones or put your headset on (so your coworkers/family/roomies think you’re busy).

        • Then, take three very deep breaths; in through your nose, out through your nose. Don't worry, no one will hear you!

        • Repeat this breath exercise until you feel rejuvenated.

    The key to a healthly work life balance and being a professional rockstar is deeply reliant on mastering the skill of mediation sooner rather than later. Five minutes a day may be the saving grace you need to take your career to the next level. Give it a try. Get creative. And remember, you don’t need to be a yogi to meditate. Busy professionals can and  should meditate too ...

    Topics: Meditation, Combat Stress, Balanced Lifestyle, Meditate, Stress