The Ocean Rx Blog

    Help! I'm Bored With Yoga.

    Posted by Laurie Aquilante

    Oct 10, 2014 6:00:00 AM

    If you've been doing yoga for a while, you've probably hit a wall a time or two. You've tried it in all different rooms, cold, hot and even super hot. If anyone has ever done Bikram, you know what I'm talking about. You've probably tried fast, heated classes (classes that invoke the solar qualities of yoga) and slower, more lunar classes.

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    Topics: Exercise, Yoga, Surfset Fitness, SUP

    3 Things To Think About Before You Snap A Gym Selfie

    Posted by Evans Erilus

    Oct 4, 2014 3:38:00 PM

    Oh exercise… why do we do it? Is it for that extra attention when you walk into a room? The tried and true health benefits associated with it all? Maybe it’s a means by which to build up some self-confidence and knock yourself out of a rut? The truth is, it is probably a combination of all of these things… but we’d be foolish not to recognize how outside influences affect all of us in one way or another.  If that were not the case, something tells me spanx would have gone out of style a long time ago.

    I say all that to say this: exercise should be about no one but yourself, and a way to make improvements along that spectrum. With that said, here are a few tips to help you focus on health and wellness, and move away from the cultural phenomenon known as the “gym selfie”:

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    Topics: Gym, Health and Wellness, Exercise, Health Tips, Yoga